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Urgent Alert – New OPMC Requirement for Physicians

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Effective IMMEDIATELY –Pursuant to recently enacted New York State law, ALL New York State Physician’s practice office settings must post signage, visible to patients, indicating that they should visit THIS WEBSITE with any questions or complaints of professional misconduct.


The website is the official page for the New York State, Department of Health, Office of Professional Medical Conduct (“OPMC”). The immediacy to comply and post the required notice cannot be understated, as letters from the OPMC have started to routinely include compliance with the posting regulation as an ‘issue’ being investigated.


The full text of the website that must be posted can be found here.


The pertinent provision of law is contained under NYS PHL 230 (11) (h), and reads as follows, “All physicians’ practice settings shall conspicuously post signage, visible to their patients, directing such patients to the office of professional medical conduct’s website for information about their rights and how to report professional misconduct.”


For more information about this or other pertinent physician and health law related legal matters contact partner Jordan S. Fensterman at 516-368-9430 or associate Jonathan Rogoff at 516-328-2300 at any time.

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