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Join Us for Court of Appeals Case, Delia v. Munsey Webinar

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November 23, 2015


Court of Appeals Case, Delia v. Munsey

Join us for a webinar on Nov 23, 2015 at 9:00 AM EST.


This decision indelibly alters the landscape of inpatient psychiatric care and treatment – the Court of Appeals overturned years of appellate case law requiring a hearing on the issue of “whether a person is a danger to themselves or others as a result of a mental illness,” where there is a procedural violation of Mental Hygiene Law Article 9.


Post “Munsey,” there is a strong possibility that a patient will be released secondary to a hospital’s procedural error without further inquiry into the patient’s safety or the safety of others.


As inpatient providers, it is important to understand the Munsey decision and its broad implications on care, liability, and discharge planning amongst many other issues.


Our firm will be hosting a webinar/roundtable to present and discuss this landmark decision.



  1. Introduction
  2. Presentation of DeLia vs Munsey Majority opinion
  3. Presentation of dissent and discussion of the erosion of
    the concept of parens patriae – effect on article 9 cases
  4. “Post Munsey” risk management/best practices.
  5. What if you are facing a Writ? Potential remedies
  6. Duty to warn – notification, etc., post release on a Writ
  7. Discussion

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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For further information about our experience, please contact our law firm on Long Island at 516-328-2300, in Brooklyn at 718-215-5300, White Plains at 914-607-7010, Rochester at 585-218-9999 or Albany at 518-535-9477 to schedule an initial consultation.