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Are you Interested in Merging or Consolidating Your Medical Practice With Others?

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We are continuing to receive phone calls from solo practitioners and small group practices who are interested in exploring the possibility of joining with other physicians in an effort to survive in private practice. These inquiries are coming from physicians who do not want to “sell out” to a hospital system, or to a large “mega-group.”


Because of the intense financial pressure which solo practitioners and small group practices are being forced to endure on account of decreasing reimbursements and increasing costs, they are looking at ways in which they can: (a) capture ancillary revenues that they are currently referring “out the door”; and (b) streamline their business operations (and thereby realize economies of scale and cost-efficiencies) by reducing their practice overhead. Joining with others is a viable approach toward accomplishing both goals.


These are extremely difficult times for physicians in solo practice and small group practices. As such, everyone needs to keep their options open and to think “outside the box.” Our firm is in a unique position to help in this regard.


If you are interested in exploring such an opportunity, please contact your attorney contact in the firm. We will try our best to put you in touch with other similarly-situated physicians and to facilitate a dialog that might lead to a merger and consolidation that could be beneficial to all.

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For further information about our experience, please contact our law firm on Long Island at 516-328-2300, in Brooklyn at 718-215-5300, White Plains at 914-607-7010, Rochester at 585-218-9999 or Albany at 518-535-9477 to schedule an initial consultation.