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OPMC Defense Attorneys in NY: Protect Your Medical Career



Experienced OPMC Investigation and Hearing Lawyers Serving Clients Throughout New York

The unexpected ring of a call from the Office of Professional Medical Conduct (OPMC) can unsettle even the most seasoned medical professionals. At Abrams Fensterman, LLP, we transform that uncertainty into a clear path forward, ensuring your reputation and rights remain firmly intact.


From the initial OPMC complaint & investigation to the completion of any hearing in front of the Board of Professional Medical Conduct, we defend our physician clients in every step of the disciplinary case. We stand by our clients to and strive to eliminate any penalty. Where penalty cannot be avoided, we work with our physician and physician assistant clients to help minimize any risk of severe penalties, such as revocation of their medical license.


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A Step-by-Step Approach to OPMC Defense

  1. Review the Complaint: Our journey begins with a comprehensive understanding of the OPMC complaint, laying the foundation for a robust defense.
  2. Prepare for the Initial Interview: The first interaction is critical. We ensure you’re prepared, confident, and aware of the nuances.
  3. Forge a Strong Defense: With the complaint evolving, we present your perspective effectively, championing your case.
  4. Minimize Penalties: Facing potential repercussions, our strategies are tailored to shield you from severe outcomes, always championing your best interests.
  5. Navigate Appeals & Challenges: From the aftermath of OPMC determinations to subsequent legal avenues, we’re steadfastly by your side.

Who We Serve: Expertise Across Specializations


From MDs, DOs, ER Specialists, OBGYNs, Surgeons, Internal Medicine Professionals, and General Practitioners to Dermatologists, Plastic Surgeons, Orthopedics, Psychiatrists and more – we’ve successfully defended a spectrum of professionals under OPMC scrutiny. Each specialization comes with its nuances, and we’re adept at tailoring our approach accordingly.


Contact Jordan Fensterman



Why Choose Abrams Fensterman, LLP?

  • Proven Track Record: With victories in hundreds of cases, our experience becomes your strongest ally.
  • Unparalleled Experience: Encountering a myriad of case types over the years, we swiftly navigate the OPMC process, alleviating stress and saving time.
  • Dedicated Oversight: Partner Jordan Fensterman’s hands-on approach guarantees meticulous care, ensuring unmatched expertise in every case.

In the Face of an OPMC Call: Guided Insights


Understanding the gravity of an OPMC investigation is the first step. Knowing how to respond is equally crucial. Our guide, “What to Do When the OPMC Calls”, provides a deep dive into:

  • Emotional reactions and their management.
  • Strategizing interactions with OPMC investigators.
  • The undeniable advantage of early legal representation.

For a detailed roadmap on the OPMC investigative journey, explore the full article here.


Contact Jordan Fensterman




Quick Insights: OPMC FAQs

  • What triggers an OPMC investigation? Any complaint, even anonymous ones, mandates an OPMC investigation. Whether it’s a disgruntled patient or a competitor, OPMC is legally bound to investigate.
  • What about patient confidentiality during investigations? While patient confidentiality is paramount, OPMC investigations are exceptions. The law authorizes OPMC investigators to examine and obtain patient records without a patients consent.
  • Can I decline an OPMC interview? While physicians aren’t obligated to attend OPMC interviews, being adequately prepared for one can be pivotal. It’s a decision made easier with expert counsel.
  • Will my malpractice insurance cover legal expenses during an OPMC investigation? It’s possible. Your malpractice insurance might cover some or all of your legal fees during the OPMC investigation. The coverage largely depends on your policy’s specifics and the nature of the allegations

For a comprehensive understanding and more FAQs, dive deeper here.


Ready to Navigate the OPMC Landscape? Connect With Us

When faced with OPMC challenges, or to proactively understand your rights and potential scenarios, our team is ready to assist with 5 offices serving NYC, Long Island, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island, Nassau County, Suffolk County, White Plains, Rochester & Albany.

Contact Us

Local Respect,
State-Wide Reach

For further information about our experience, please contact our law firm on Long Island at 516-328-2300, in Brooklyn at 718-215-5300, White Plains at 914-607-7010, Rochester at 585-218-9999 or Albany at 518-535-9477 to schedule an initial consultation.

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