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OPMC & OPD Defense – What To Do When You Receive a Letter from the DOH or DOE (Video)

Home > Media > Thought Leadership > OPMC & OPD Defense – What To Do When You Receive a Letter from the DOH or DOE (Video)

In this video, Jordan Fensterman, Director of the OPMC Defense & OPD Defense Practices at Abrams Fensterman, shares what to look for if you receive a records request from the Department of Health or the Department of Education in New York State.

Providers should be vigilant when receiving record requests from the Department of Health or Department of Education. Letters from the Office of Professional Medical Conduct (OPMC) or Office of Professional Discipline (OPD) often resemble routine records requests but signal a licensing investigation under their jurisdiction.


If such a request is received, it’s critical to recognize it as a serious matter involving your professional license and promptly seek legal counsel to ensure proper handling.  Learn more about how we can assist with either the OPMC or OPD process here.


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