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Not-for-Profit Corporations

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Not-for-Profit Corporation Lawyers

The firm provides a broad array of services to not-for-profit organizations. These services include:

  • Corporate formation and filings with the appropriate state and federal agencies;
  • Structuring and revision of corporate by-laws;
  • Advice and counsel to the corporation as to membership and board of director and trustee obligations;
  • Assistance with initial and ongoing regulatory filings and requirements;
  • Business combinations including, for-profit subsidiaries
  • Ongoing advice and counsel regarding contract, employee and corporate governance issues.

Several of our not-for-profit clients are engaged in the healthcare, senior-care and education industries. The areas of concentration germane to these focused industries include the following:

  • Liaison with the Department of Education/NYS Board of Regents, Department of Health ,Office of Mental Health (OMH), Office of Persons With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), and other healthcare regulatory agencies;
  • Internal audits and review of regulatory compliance;
  • Broad-based experience, and interaction with respect to the office of the New York State Attorney General and various courts within the State of New York when in litigation or seeking approval to perform certain corporate functions as a not-for-profit organization.

We also advise about the appropriate structure of not-for-profit corporations, addressing issues such as:

  • Corporate governance issues
  • Structuring an appropriate board of directors
  • Whether to be a charity or foundation
  • Whether to be member or board managed


Contact Our Law Firm

For further information about our corporate and securities experience, please contact our law firm on Long Island at 516-328-2300, in Brooklyn at 718-215-5300, White Plains at 914-607-7010, Rochester at 585-218-9999 or Albany at 518-535-9477 to schedule an initial consultation.

Contact Us

Local Respect,
State-Wide Reach

For further information about our experience, please contact our law firm on Long Island at 516-328-2300, in Brooklyn at 718-215-5300, White Plains at 914-607-7010, Rochester at 585-218-9999 or Albany at 518-535-9477 to schedule an initial consultation.

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